Authority, Trust And Quality To Take Over SEO In 2014 | - Anpee Media– Anpee Media

Authority, Trust And Quality To Take Over SEO In 2014

SEO in 2014

With the inset of the new year you will be probably wondering about all those changes that SEO will go through. And it is fair enough. With the number of changes that top search engines like Google have brought up in the recent years, it is very likely to estimate that there is more on the way. The search engines have been constantly attempting to make search easier and hassle-free for their users. All their effort in the last few years were geared towards it and it will most definitely be the same this year too.

Penguin to hummingbird

Penguin brought a whole lot of structural changes to the SEO field with pages that had low quality content and links taking the back seat with every search. Low quality links and copied content means information that is stolen or purchased for commercial purposes. The algorithms have gotten smarter and have been able to detect such mischief better than ever before. This means if you, by any chance, have links that will not deliver you traffic, you are sure to be plunged down in the rankings, if you have not already been. Hummingbird has come up with conversational searches based on the rising mobile user population that is erupting in the global market today.

Lookout for authority this year

People trust sites that have proper identities. They like to relate with the author, the owner; in short they are more comfortable with sites that are legitimately providing them information. Hence, it is important to see that you are authorized. This can be done by linking your website with your Google account. This will also gain you better exposure. Also, it is important to know that the links you secure must be from authorized sites as well. In addition to this, they should contain relevant information as per the content on your site; otherwise you will be penalized by the search engines heavily.

Content still remains the top criterion

Sites with poor quality content hardly manage to get any attention. So, you must have, as a rule, impeccable content that will heed to every request of your readers. Also for the benefit of all of your users include diversified content like, videos, pictures and other forms of representation of the written content for easier access.

Follow the trends and improvise

Last year’s trends remain this year too. What is needed is improvising it to suit the needs of the population. For example, the role of social media, especially twitter and Facebook needs to be utilized to the maximum possible extent. Your readers are looking for less diversion and more to-the-point answers to their queries. Hence make sure that your content is not filled with jargon and your keywords are not obsolete and overbearing on your pages. And as a rule stay away from duplicate content. Authenticity and quality will take you a long way this year in the field of SEO.

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